Плагин предназначен для замены/добавления ссылок Prev, Next на названия предыдущей и следующей статьи Joomla в постраничной навигации.
Плагин создан на основе стандартного плагина «Content — Page Navigation» с использованием идей найденных в подобных плагинах в сети.
- Download plugin in zip-archive;
- Install plugin in Joomla back-end;
- Set on plugin 'Page Navigation Titles' and set off standard plugin 'Page Navigation'.
Version 1.0.6
- [BF] Plugin now working correctly with menu navigation.
Version 1.0.5
- [NF] for more SEO added link attribute «title» with the value of title of the article;
- [BF] Added a semicolon in the arrows codes.
Version 1.0.4
- Providing language files;
- Setting for turn on/turn off displays directions words.
- You can support the development of plugin — put the link to this page on your site/blog;
- You can leave positive feedback on the plugin page in JED: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/structure-a-navigation/site-navigation/13789
Download Joomla-plugin Page Navigation Titles
Download Joomla-plugin Page Navigation Titles for Joomla 1.6
- Скачайте плагин в zip-архиве;
- Установите плагин в Joomla-админке;
- Включите плагин 'Page Navigation Titles' и выключите стандартный плагин 'Page Navigation'.
Версия 1.0.6
- [BF] Плагин теперь правильно работает с ссылками из навигационного меню.
Версия 1.0.5
- [NF] Для пущего SEO в ссылки добавлен атрибут title со значением названия статьи;
- [BF] Добавлена точка с запятой в код стрелок.
Версия 1.0.4
- Поддержка языковых файлов;
- Настройка включения/выключения показа слов указателей направления.
- Вы можете поддержать развитие плагина установив ссылку на эту страницу со своего сайта/блога;
- Вы можете оставить положительный отзыв на странице плагина в JED: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/structure-a-navigation/site-navigation/13789
Скачать Joomla-плагин Page Navigation Titles
Пример работы плагина (Example of plugin work)
I'm using 1.6. The titles appear properly at the bottom of the article, but I get errors:
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /plugins/system/jumi/jumi.php on line 30, 39
Notice: Undefined property: JDocumentHTML::$_name in /libraries/joomla/plugin/plugin.php on line 102
As well as errors for my specific template.
Hi Marissa, what are placed on 30 & 39 lines of jumi.php? Did you try to call Page Navigation Titles plugin earlier than Jumi?
I'm very new to Joomla so I hadn't realized that «jumi» was not part of the original joomla. It's a module someone wrote for us. The errors are on the lines with:
$pluginParams = json_decode( $plugin->params );
if ( $pluginParams->hide_code == 1 ) {
$storage_source = $this-> getStorageSourcetrim(array_shift($jumi)),
I tried calling Pag Nav both before and after jumi. This is likely a problem with the code written by the other guy though!
Marissa, can you ask yours site developer about this notices? At now i haven't time to resolve this problem, sorry.
У меня такие же ошибка как у Marissa, т.е. плагин конфликтует с другими расширениями на 1.6 (с Jumi, Multithumb, Lofarticlescroller и др)
Есть тексты ошибок?
Joomla 1.6.3
Включён стандартный SEF
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/olofmp3/public_html/operaworld.ru/plugins/system/jumi/jumi.php on line 30
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/olofmp3/public_html/operaworld.ru/plugins/system/jumi/jumi.php on line 39
Notice: Use of undefined constant isThumb — assumed 'isThumb' in /home/olofmp3/public_html/operaworld.ru/modules/mod_lofarticlescroller/libs/source/content/source.php on line 278
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$id in /home/olofmp3/public_html/operaworld.ru/plugins/content/multithumb/multithumb.php on line 414
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$text in /home/olofmp3/public_html/operaworld.ru/plugins/content/pagenavtitles/pagenavtitles.php on line 200
I have downloaded (Download Joomla-plugin Page Navigation Titles) and installed. I am using joomla 1.5 version.
How to make it work? i cant see previous and next titles as shown in example here...
Hi vishal, thanks for question, i added installation notes in article, that must help you and other users
After IN three steps prev. and next. titles should be shown in section/categories content items.
Thanks Cyril for prompt reply.
But i cant see standard plugin 'Page Navigation' in back-end
Please elaborate more...
His type/group is 'Content', his sharp name is 'Content — Page Navigation', filename is 'pagenavigation' and id is 17 on official Joomla 1.5 Back-End Demo site (demo/demo).
Ok i got it but i think that is the Core Plugins of joomla which cannot be removed.
Not need to remove, just deactivate it, as instead it will work new plugin with titles.
Hi Cyril,
Its already deactivated...
Still i cant see prev and next...
Sorry, i do not know what else could be wrong, i can only offer look at the demo of the plugin work, you may looking for prev and next article titles in wrong place.
Плагин понравился. Не могу заставить плагин работать в flexicontent
поставил плагин на joomla 1.5.22 включенный стандартный сеф включил этот плагин отключил родной все заработало но создался дубль материала по другому урлу т.е. была ссылка pressform.td-bobcat.ru/iz...tki/shtampy.html онаже и прописана в меню но после включения плагин создал такой дубль pressform.td-bobcat.ru/iz...y/2-shtampy.html пришшлось отказатьс от него или можно като вылечить?
Попробуйте поставить эту версию, в ней минимум отличий от стандартного плагина в области создания url в ссылках.
Спасибо помогло
Please, tell me how to show,position this navigation in the bottom-center position of the site?
Hi Lukasz, in my version of plugin as in standard is creating table with align attribute = center in wich placing the navigation article titles and arrows. The only existing option is the position of the page navigation block relatively of article — before or after.
Thank you, so in that case there is an error on my website which positions your plugin(and the standard Joomla Pagination as well) on the lef side under the article. Do you have any ideas what to do to fix it?
Lukasz, if you have some experience in php&html&css try to include table with navigation into another container in plugin code (for example div-tag) and assign to it css-rule like:
text-align: center;
Hi, again. Does this plugin support multilingual site? Are there any possibilities to connect it with JoomFish ? How can I do it manually ?
I'm not testing this, but if you not show the direction words like 'Next'&'Last' i hope plugin only shows the articles titles on active site language.
All right, it is working very well with multilingual sites. I have not yet translated all the articles. That is why it seemed not working
Thanks for this report.
I would like to change the arrows in the plugin, please give some hint
It's very simple, just find this strings in plugin code (in *.php-file):
<big>&_larr;</big> and <big>&_rarr;</big> and change it on arrow symbols that you wants (and delete underscores before search in file, i'm could not win the wordpress parser